United States Geological Survey. U.S.Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment.
Vector Map Level 0 is a version of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's (NIMA) Digital Chart of the World (DCW®). The VMap Worldwide coverage of vector-based geospatial data at 1:1,000,000 scale
Offered without restriction. These datasets are intended to aid in emergency preparedness, readiness, response, and recovery missions; risk assessments; site suitability studies; and other applications.
The Geographic Names Server is the official repository of standard spellings of all foreign place names, sanctioned by the United States Board. The database also contains variant spellings (cross-references).
Concise and reliable information on the strengths and limitations of the key observational data sets, tools and methods used to evaluate (or initialize or force) Earth system models.