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South African Law

A guide for researching South African law

Latest cases

In SAFLII, you can set up RSS Feeds for individual courts and tribunals, so you are notified whenever a new case is decided in that court.

New legislation

  • Juta's Weekly Statutes Bulletin is available via open access. It is based on both National and provincial Gazettes published during the week. It lists national and provincial legislation proclamations and notices. While there are no links to the full-text Gazettes, it is a good way to be alerted to legislative developments, particularly for the provinces, which typically have incomplete and out of date lists of legislation on their legislatures' websites. The Bulletins can be downloaded as PDFs. You can sign up to have the Bulletins emailed to you.
  • Green Gazette contains all national and provincial Government Gazettes. Note: the Law Library does not subscribe to this subscription website. Subscriptions to individual jurisdictions can be purchased. You can receive free weekly email alerts for single or all jurisdictions, but require a subscription to access the full-text gazettes.

Legal news

GoLegal Industry News and Insight provides regular South African legal news updates. GoLegal is 'a leading industry news and information portal for the South African legal sector, catering to attorneys, corporate counsel, legal scholars, policy makers and other corporate and legal interest groups'. See more about GoLegal. You can subscribe by email to receive the updates, or follow GoLegal on Twitter and Facebook.

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