The ACT Legislation register is the authorised source for Australian Capital Territory legislation.
Bills - 1989 onwards
Explanatory Statements - 1989 onwards
Explanatory statements have been issued as separate documents along with the bills since 1989.
From 1975 to 1981, a form of explanatory memorandum was attached to “Messages from the Minister” [for the Capital Territory] and was included in ACT Hansard.
Government Gazette - 1989 Onwards
A gazette is an official publication for the purpose of notifying the actions and decisions of the government
Statutory Rules
Legislative Tracking
Detailed table updates, available from 2000 onwards. Prior to being online, the updates were compiled in a publication called the Red Book. For more tracking information see the section of this guide on Legislative Status.
The transcripts of parliamentary proceedings in A.C.T's Legislative Assembly are known as Parliamentary Debates or Hansard. These provide background to the bill and can be found online. Note, the A.C.T Legislative Assembly is unicameral, meaning it consists of a single legislative chamber.