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Music Theatre

This guide will point you to Music Theatre resources available at the University of Melbourne Library

FInd Books


To find books on a particular subject, use a keyword search on the library catalogue. 

For example:

Subject searching often retrieves a large number of results so you may like to narrow your search by adding more words.  For example:

Click on the hyperlinked subject descriptions within a catalogue record to find similar books.  For example, to find more books with the same description, click on:

Don't forget that you can have books sent from other branch libraries to your campus for pick-up.


Browse the shelves or library catalogue at the following call numbers:


  • 780.9   Musical theatre, history and individual composers

  • 782.14 Music. Musical plays (e.g. ballad operas, musicals, revues)

  • 792.3   Pantomime (e.g. mime, silent pantomime)

  • 792.6   Recreational and performing arts. Musical plays (e.g. ballad operas, musicals, revues)

  • 792.64 Recreational and performing arts. Musical play productions (e.g. production and stage guides)

Browse Books by Subject

Useful Subject Headings

Subject Headings are used in our Catalogue to group similarly themed material, like tags. It can be useful to search for Subject Headings to find multiple results grouped by topic. Below are some useful headings, but more can be found by searching the catalogue, using a Subject Search

Catalogue Search

Use the library catalogue to search for relevant books, printed versions of journals and newspapers etc.


Other library catalogues

Items listed in other libraries (Australia and overseas) may be obtained using the library’s resource-sharing options, including inter-library loans.


Can't find something, or what you need is unavailable? The following catalogues can be used to find resources in libraries around Australia and the World:

Reference Texts

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