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Research Impact for Business & Economics - a self-help guide

CiteScore - Scopus

Click to view larger image

1. Go to Scopus

2. Click on the Authors tab

3. Search for your name

4. Select your author set (click on the name)

5. Scroll down to the authored documents list

6. Click on each hyperlinked journal name to view metrics including CiteScore

SJR or SNIP - Scopus

To view SJR and SNIP metrics, follow the instructions for CiteScore - Scopus (above)

Web of Science/JCR - Journal Impact Factor


1. Go to Web of Science

2. Search for your name variants (e.g. Smith R A OR Smith Roger A)

3. Click on the journal title in the result.  The impact factor and quartile information will appear.  Unfortunately, this data is not downloaded with Web of Science records.


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