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First Nations in Education

What are your referencing obligations?


APA7 style guide


Use the Re:Cite to guide your referencing in you academic work. APA 7th ed. is the preferred style for the Faculty of Education graduate coursework programs

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1. Understand the referencing requirements

  1. Academic Integrity requirements at the University of Melbourne
  2. Examples of what constitutes plagiarism and collusion so you can avoid it
  3. Review the How to reference guide provided by UoM Academic Skills. This covers all the steps and skills you need! 

2. Tips for effective referencing

You will need to refer to an APA style guide to address the requirements of the style
  • Start by reading the general style notes section - this outlines the conventions for creating in-text citations, ordering and formatting the reference list.
Be aware that some references created using citation generator tools or reference management software will contain errors.
  • Before you submit an assessment task, we highly recommend you cross-check your draft references against the sample citations provided in an APA 7th ed. style guide and correct any errors.

You should cross check the capitalization, punctuation and manually add missing elements

  • Note: APA 7th style, requires you to include a DOI (digital object identifier) for journal articles citations, if the article has one or a URL. The DOI usually appears at the top of the article or in the database record for the article and came into use from the year 2000. See for more information.

 Reference management software guides

Explore the reference management programs and tools we recommend to support your writing and referencing. We recommend Zotero for most Education students

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