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United Kingdom Law

Using case citators

A case citator is an index to case law. It provides a summary of the case along with additional information, such as:

  • the litigation history

  • the cases considered in the case 

  • the legislation considered in the case (judicial consideration of legislation)

  • how the case has been treated in subsequent cases (subsequent judicial consideration)

  • commentary on the case in journal articles

  • parallel citations (same case in different law reports)

  • links to the full text of the case.

UK case citators include Westlaw UK and vLex Justis. ICLR will also identify case law by topic and legislation judicially considered.

Australian case citators such as Lexis AU and LawCite will also link to UK case law.

Finding cases on a topic

Case citators such as Westlaw UK and vLex Justis are useful to find cases by topic using subject terms and keywords. The Law Reports Consolidated Index, or Red Index, is available in hardcopy and another useful resource for this type of research. 

In both vLex Justis and Westlaw UK the Advanced Search form enables effective keyword and subject searching.

In vLex Justis users can also Browse case law by Category, and find cases similar in topic via the Related tab view.  

ICLR also enables users to Browse case law by Topic refer to the Subject matter field within each case for subject terms and keywords.

In Westlaw UK you can also use the Cases Search form to search by Subject term. From a case, note the subject of the case via the Case Analysis. The subject term will help you find other cases on the same topic.

Subsequent judicial consideration - cases citing a case

Case citators are useful tools to find cases that have been considered by other cases. Symbols within Westlaw UK also indicate whether the case is still considered 'good law', that is, the judgment is still being followed or applied by the courts.

You can search citators using the case name, citation or partial information such as the name of at least one party, the jurisdiction or court to find a case.

From the case view, look for menu items that lead to cases and legislation referred to in the judgment.

For example:

Westlaw UK select Primary References >  All Cases Citing from the Case Analysis box.

In vLex Justis look for the Cited in tab from the case view.

Finding judicial consideration of legislation

In Westlaw UK navigate to the Legislation tab:

  • navigate (browse or search) to the Act, Statutory Rule etc.
  • Click on the hyperlink to the legislation (not the pdf icon)
  • Click on the section in which you are interested.
  • In the left-hand menu, click on Primary References >  All Cases Citing.

Advanced Search Forms will also be useful tools to find cases considering other cases, legislation, words or phrases.

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