To find journal articles on specific pieces of South African legislation, or specific legislative provisions, use the indexes/abstracts and full text databases listed in the Journals tab in this Guide.
For example, to find journal articles that have considered a particular Act, use the Legislation search box in the Journal Article Index of the Johannesburg Bar Library (open access). You can add the Act section number also for more targeted searching. Indexes articles from South African journals only. No full text.
Please note: there are currently (as at 6/9/22) issues accessing this catalogue from Australia and we are working with the Johannesburg Bar Library to resolve the issue. In the meantime, you can access the library catalogues available via these links:
If you want the full text of a particular article, type the title of the journal into the University of Melbourne Library catalogue. This will tell you whether we have the journal, and if so, whether online or in print. In this case, the article is in vol 130 of the South African Law Journal. We hold this title in print from vol 18 (1901) to current - on Level 4 of the Law Library, and online from vol 18 (1901) to current on HeinOnline (UniMelb staff & student access).