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New Researchers' Library Guide

A guide to Library resources and services for research staff and graduate research students new to the University of Melbourne

  Grant Applications

Improve Your Grant Application

We can help you to gather and interpret metrics and demonstrate the impact of your research outputs for your applications via:

  • Self-help guides, that step you through gathering research impact metrics efficiently,
  • One-on-one consultations on how to gather metrics and discuss their meaning, and
  • The Research Impact Library Advisory Service (RILAS), where we gather metrics for you (only available for selected grant and prize applications).

We can also provide advice on how to:

  • Add your research outputs to your ARC RMS profile.
  • Meet funder Open Access requirements.
  • Write a data management plan for your project.

And offer some opportunities for collaboration on projects.

Please note: we do not review grant applications (see your local research support team for help with this).

Book a consultation with a librarian to discuss your support needs:

Quick Links

  • Self-help Guides

    Our self-help guides explain how you can use databases available via the library, as well as freely available resources, to compile your own research metrics and information to include in your grant applications:


  • Research Outputs and the ARC RMS

    Learn about the University’s recommended approach to adding your research outputs to your ARC Research Management System (RMS) profile. Support materials provided include:

    • Step-by-step instructions.
    • A recording of an information session on how to upload your research outputs from Elements.


  • Research Impact Library Advisory Services (RILAS)

    The Library can assist academic staff to determine the impact of their publications and other research outputs for selected grant and prize applications.




Further Support

ARC and NHMRC Open Access Policies – Compliance Guidelines

Details on what the NHMRC and ARC require and why.

Funding Resources and Services

The central University of Melbourne webpage on funding resources and advice provided by the university-wide Research Innovation and Commercialisation (RIC) Team. Includes information on how to:

  • Find funding,
  • Develop and submit a successful grant application,
  • Have your application reviewed by an expert,
  • Obtain advice and support for accepting and managing your research funding.

Grant Resources

Access resources to assist you with preparing and submitting your funding proposals.

Includes a database containing applications donated by researchers to provide examples of successful grants for the use of University of Melbourne applicants in developing grant applications.

DMP (Data Management Plan) Melbourne

All projects should plan how data will be managed during and after the completion of the project. DMP Melbourne helps you to:

  • Write a Data Management Plan.
  • Share your plan with your co-investigators.
  • Export your plan in different formats.

Newly funded ARC projects must have a Data Management Plan.

Digital Stewardship Team

Digital Scholarship is a hub of expertise in digitisation, data management, digital curation, forensics and preservation.

The team welcomes collaboration with researchers who are developing proposals with a significant digital scholarship component.

Contact the Digital Stewardship Team via ServiceNow

Archives, Cultural and Special Collections

University Archives, Cultural and Special Collections partner with scholars working with these collections on funded projects. See the websites below for contacts to discuss these opportunities.

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Library Blogs

Library Contacts