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New Researchers' Library Guide

A guide to Library resources and services for research staff and graduate research students new to the University of Melbourne

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Navigate the Library's Online and Physical Collections

The Library Homepage is your portal to scholarly research and information. You can:

  • Find specially curated resources in library guides for researchers or by subject
  • Pick from a huge selection of subject, multidisciplinary and citation databases
  • Get to know some of the best Special and Cultural Collections in Australia and globally

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FAQs about access to collections

Library provided search tools

These are some steps you could take:

  1. Download the Lean Library or LibKey Nomad browser plugins to access full text and bypass paywalls when browsing online.
  2. Turn on "Find it@Unimelb" links when browsing Google Scholar at home.
  3. Set up journal and search alerts to keep up to date with new research about your topic. You can receive email alerts, use Zotero RSS feeds or BrowZine to follow your favourite journals.
  4. Use reference management software to manage your publications, organise your research and write your papers.

Library databases

Find the best databases for your subject or discipline area in our Library Guides.

  • Use a subject specific database when you need a deep focus on your subject area.
  • Use multidisciplinary databases when your arguments and debates are influenced by what is happening more broadly in society, policy, business, and management.
  • Use citation indexes such as Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier) and Dimensions (Digital Science) to find seminal works, and to track how one work is connected to others via citation networks.

The library provides access to these and many more specialised databases and indexes.

Talk to your librarian if you'd like to know more.

Borrowing from the collection

Borrow from the physical and digital collections of all 11 University of Melbourne libraries. Supplement access to research by borrowing from other university libraries using interlibrary loans and reciprocal borrowing schemes.

  • All current fixed terms, continuing and honorary staff as well as current graduate students access the collections via their borrowing record, single sign-on and staff/student card.
  • Access resources from other libraries via interlibrary loans.

Ordering collections

The library welcomes requests for purchases from academic staff and graduate researchers for teaching and research purposes.

Finding theses

University of Melbourne masters and doctoral theses are submitted electronically. They are archived in Minerva Access, the institutional repository.

  • University of Melbourne Theses are listed in the Library catalogue, are accessible digitally via Minerva Access and physically via the Reading Room.
  • Australian masters and doctoral theses are indexed in Trove.
  • Universities tend to make the details of their theses available via their respective institutional repositories.
  • Theses databases such as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global also list the details of international theses and often provides access to the full text.

Literature Reviews and Systematic Reviews

The library guides below outline workflows, tips, resources, tools and services to help you conduct a literature or systematic review:

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