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New Researchers' Library Guide

A guide to Library resources and services for research staff and graduate research students new to the University of Melbourne

  Research Methods

Optimise your Research Process

The library provides resources and support for you when planning and undertaking your research projects including:

  • Expert advice and specialised services for particular types of research methods, such as Systematic Reviews.
  • Access to online resources on research methods, experiments and protocols.
  • Assistance with using APIs to search databases available through the library, such as the Scopus API.

Book an appointment to discuss your needs with a specialist librarian via Zoom:


Key Resources and Training

More Resources and Services

Digital Stewardship Team

The Digital Stewardship (Research) team aims to modernise scholarly practice via digital techniques and by maximising the value of research data. The team specialises in:

  • Navigating researchers complex needs and compliance relating to data and digital.
  • Building online collections and resources.
  • Data curation, digital archives & University systems.
  • Data forensics and recovery.

Melbourne Statistical Consulting Platform

The Melbourne Statistical Consulting Platform provides statistical advice to graduate research students and staff at the University of Melbourne on designing and implementing quantitative studies, and analysing and interpreting results, to generate robust findings and insights.

We offer practical statistical advice about designing, implementing and analysing your quantitative research studies. Our team is experienced in statistics and data analysis and can work on any size of study.

We offer tailored consultations to University of Melbourne academics, professional staff and graduate researchers, with an emphasis on education and training. We can cover any stage of a quantitative research project, including:

  • Study design
  • Questionnaire design and data collection methods
  • Choice of sample size
  • Data management and verification
  • Use of statistical software
  • Data exploration and visualisation
  • Modelling and analytics strategies, including modern methods from data science
  • Interpretation and quality communication of analyses.

We also run specialised short courses for professionals, academic and graduate researchers.

Social and Cultural Informatics Platform (SCIP)

SCIP is a unit with staff who specialise in supporting digital methods for researchers in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science. They provide assistance with research methodologies, data analysis, and software, including consultation and training in:

  • Survey and quantitative methods,
  • Computational social science methods, and
  • Digital humanities methods.

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