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Statistical and Mathematical Software

Information on where and how to access statistical and mathematical software.


Welcome to the Statistical and Mathematical Software Guide
Training at the University of Melbourne


Access to Programs


Choosing a Program

To ensure that you use the program that is most appropriate for your research, it is recommended that you ask your lecturer or supervisor and explore the literature available. Considerations may include:

  • Functionality required
  • Type of data (qualitative or quantitative)
  • Analytical functions required
  • Compatability with other tools used
  • Industry standards

See also:

Statistical Consulting Centre

The Statistical Consulting Centre at the University of Melbourne provides a range of services to members of the academic community. The Melbourne Statistical Consulting Platform allows eligible post-graduate students 10 free hours of statistical consulting.

  • The emphasis in the statistical advice will be on education and training
  • If you need help beyond 10 hours, this will be on a fee-paying basis
  • You must be currently enrolled
  • You will need to bring a copy of the "Statistical consulting service to post-graduate students" form signed by your supervisor to your first consultation. Please visit their website for the current documentation.The consultants may decline to provide statistical assistance without a signed form

The Statistical Consulting Centre offers advice, statistical consulting and data analysis to staff and postgraduate students within the University and others outside the University.


MyUniApps provides University of Melbourne staff and students with easy, online access to a broad range of software packages. The following applications are currently available to all students: AMOS, ArcGIS Desktop, EndNote*, GIMP, iMindQ, Mathematica, MATLAB*, Minitab, Notepad++, NVIVO*, Office Professional Plus 2013, R, Rstudio, Sample Power, SAS, SPSS. Further apps are available to students based on their area of study.

For the most up-to-date information, please check the list of apps available in "Applications" section of the FAQs. 

myUniApps student information

myUniApps FAQs

myUniApps staff information

IT Licensing & Procurement

Site Licenses

A number of statistical packages are included in the University of Melbourne site license program. A site license will offer university departments products which are centrally funded and can be deployed on University assets at no additional cost. Please see the licensing availability information listed in this guide. For other programs, search the IT Knowledge Base (staff only).


Bulk Purchase Programs

Software that is not available in a site license, are available through bulk purchase programs. This offers departments, affiliated institutions and respective staff and students a way to purchase centrally-managed low cost software.  

Information about bulk purchase programs

For further advice and support, call the IT service desk on 8344 0888

Further Reading

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