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Statistical and Mathematical Software

Information on where and how to access statistical and mathematical software.

About R

R provides access to a variety of statistical and graphical techniques including linear and non-linear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification and clustering. Functionally, the program is considered comparable to SAS. However, R has the advantage of being open source and thus freely available.


About R on Campus

R for Windows is installed on all Library and StudentIT lab computers. It may also be available in some Faculty and Graduate School labs.

Obtain R Software

Obtain R Software
R can be downloaded from the publisher's website.

Additional enhancements of R have been created by RStudio. A range of products are listed on their website including related support services specific to the products.

Training and Support

Researcher Connect offers free digital skills training. Check for upcoming training.
The producers of R provide support including a Manual, FAQs and a Getting Help page.
There is also a Facebook group for users of R.

Further Reading

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