The following two resources are both available online on Westlaw. They are regularly updated and arranged alphabetically by topic. They includes commentary, leading cases and legislation. The case and legislation citations links take you directly to the full text cases and legislation.
The American Indian Law Deskbook (latest edition is 2017). From the Westlaw Homepage, start to type American Indian Law Deskbook in the top search box and the title will appear below. Alternatively, from the Homepage, select Practice Areas from the top menu, then select Native American Law. The Deskbook is listed under Secondary Sources.
American Jurisprudence 2d - Indians; Native Americans. From the Westlaw Homepage, select Practice Areas from the top menu, then select Native American Law. Am. Jur. is listed under Secondary Sources. The broad topics are listed below - use the + signs to drill down to more detailed topics. Links to legislation and leading cases for each topic are provided. The West Key Number Digest links take you straight to all cases on the topic.
This handbook provides a detailed encyclopaedic treatment, arranged by topic.