WestlawTo find cases, secondary sources and other resources that have interpreted or discussed each section of Title 25, use the Annotated Code (USCA) on Westlaw (UniMelb staff & students). To access USCA, from the Westlaw homepage, select Statutes and Court Rules, then United States Code Annotated (USCA), then scroll to Title 25. Click on the section number in which you are interested, and at the top of the screen you will see information about the section's legislative history, references in secondary sources such as law review articles, and links to case law on the section. Notes of Decisions lists all cases citing the section. History shows the legislative history of the section, including proposed legislation, bill drafts, reports, congressional record, testimony, presidential messages, and reports. Citing References shows cases, secondary sources, court documents, statutes and rules that have cited the particular code section. Context & Analysis links to analysis of the provision in encyclopaedic works, law review articles etc.