The University has many resources available to guide you through all the processes involved in producing and publishing a systematic review. Here are some selected tutorials, ebooks and videos that can assist.
An introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis: everything you need to know in 59 minutes
(Video 43 min - The full process delivered by a physician and SR author)
Introduction to systematic reviews for librarians
(Video 28 min - Divided in to sections)
Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions
Finding and evaluating evidence : systematic reviews and evidence-based practice
How to perform a systematic literature review
Systematic approaches to a successful literature review
Systematic reviews to answer health care questions
Umbrella reviews : evidence synthesis with overviews of reviews and meta-epidemiologic studies
What is a systematic review? (14 page report)
How to review the evidence : a simple guide to conducting a literature review (AIFS)
JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis
Doing a literature review in health and social care : a practical guide
Literature review and research design
Preparing literature reviews : qualitative and quantitative approaches
Reviewing the literature (Sage Research Methods Project Planner)
Handbook of research methods in health social sciences
Introduction to research methods and data analysis in the health sciences
The Oxford handbook of multimethod and mixed methods research inquiry
The good research guide : for small-scale social research projects
Understanding research methods for evidence-based practice in health
Critical appraisal of epidemiological studies and clinical trials
Critical reading and writing for postgraduates
How to read a paper : the basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare
Medical statistics : for beginners
Systematic synthesis of qualitative research
Understanding research methods for evidence-based practice in health
Systematic Searching for Health and Medicine is a series of self-paced modules that step you through the process from research question to database search.
Searching CINAHL (UniMelb Tutorial)
OVID Databases (UniMelb Tutorial)
Searching PsycInfo (Ovid) (UniMelb Tutorial)
What is meta-analysis? (Short report)
Meta analysis : a guide to calibrating and combining statistical evidence
Meta-analysis, decision analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis
Methods of meta-analysis : correcting error and bias in research findings
Modern meta-analysis : review and update of methodologies
How to write better medical papers
Reporting and Publishing Research in the Biomedical Sciences
Writing and publishing a scientific research paper
Writing for peer reviewed journals : strategies for getting published
Scientific writing: thinking in words
Academic skills resources (UniMelb)
Student research and report writing : from topic selection to the complete paper
Writing up your university assignments and research projects : a practical handbook
100 tips to avoid mistakes in academic writing and presenting
Academic writing : a handbook for international students
How to do your research project : a guide for students in medicine and the health sciences
Writing a graduate thesis or dissertation
Writing a successful thesis or dissertation
Writing successful reports and dissertations
How to keep your doctorate on track : insights from student's and supervisors' experiences
Literature reviews for education and nursing graduate students (Open Access)
Comprehensive systematic review for advanced practice nursing
Conducting systematic reviews in sport, exercise, and physical activity
Evidence-based practice in clinical social work
How to do a systematic literature review in nursing : a step-by-step guide
Comparative effectiveness research in health services
Evaluating public and community health programs
Evidence-based policy making in the social sciences : methods that matter
Systematic reviews in Handbook of research methods in health social sciences
Writing literature reviews : a guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences
Research methods in clinical psychology
Writing your psychology research paper
Your psychology project : the essential guide
A step-by-step guide to conducting an integrative review
Using mixed methods research synthesis for literature reviews
Systematic reviews in educational research
Systematic reviews in the social sciences