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Arts Education

This guide supports prep to year 12 arts education teaching and research for Dance, Drama & Theatre, Media Studies, Music, and Visual Arts & Design.

Where are the education curriculum resources?

The Education Curriculum and Media Collections can be found on Level 1 of the Giblin Eunson Library

Discover a range of resources to support teaching: 3D-objects, models, toys, games, big books, board books, picture books, young adult fiction, DVDs, CDs, charts, pictures and multi-piece sets.

Searching for curriculum resources

Enter your topic keywords.  You can search across all of our Education Curriculum Collections or you can select 1 of 6 specific collection (from drop-down menu). eg Textbook collection or Kits collection.


Streamed media for the classroom

Can't get to the library while on teaching rounds?

Incorporate streamed videos into your lessons or use them for your own professional development.

Find streamed videos on-line using the library catalogue or a database, they are accessible 24/7 and play immediately!

 Search these databases for streamed videos:

Streamed videos for Drama and Theatre studies

Curriculum resources for Arts education

Highschool students on stage in Medieval costume

Eaglebrook-School-Winter-Carnival-Play20140130_4322by EaglebrookSchool used under CC By 2.0

Booking curriculum collections for teaching

Academics can book media materials to screen within classes and students can book materials for viewing at a specific date and time. 

Please contact Fransie Naude at for assistance.  For more information regarding bookings or the types of media available refer to the Media Collections for Education library guide.

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