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The following keyword search strategies link to search results in the library catalogue.
art AND learn*
creativ* AND art AND classroom
art AND (primary school OR elementary school)
art AND classroom AND (primary school OR early childhood)
art AND learn* AND (children OR adolescents)
Tips For Building Your Search Statement
Use truncation to extend search results - e.g. Creat* will retrieve creative, creativity and creation
Add "quotation marks" to retrieve a specific phrase.
Use the term OR to find synonyms or alternative terms- e.g. art OR design OR craft
Use brackets around alternative terms to create order in your search - e.g. art AND (primary school OR elementary school)
Browse the catalogue by subject - click on any of these links to view items in the catalogue.
Art -- Study and teaching
Art -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Art -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Australia.
Art -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Art teachers -- Training of -- Australia.
Arts -- Study and teaching (Preschool)
Arts -- Study and teaching (Primary)
Arts -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
Creative ability in children.
Child artists
Design -- Study and teaching (Secondary)
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