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Arts Education

This guide supports Arts Education teaching and research for Drama & Theatre, Media Studies, Music, and Visual Arts & Design.


Required listening lists for subjects have been made available for students in the relevant subject LMS/Canvas sites. Speak with your lecturer if you're unsure.

NOTE: For general listening, Naxos Music Library and other online music services are still available. 

Sound Recordings

UniMelb login required

Other Online Resources


Most CDs can be borrowed for 7 days. Check the library catalogue

You can borrow:

  • 5 CD/DVDs at a time from Southbank Library


The Southbank library has a number of listening stations. Headphones can be borrowed from the loans desk if required

Search sound recordings in the catalogue

Sound recordings include CDs, vinyl LPs and audiocassettes. Search the Library Catalogue by item details first, then limit to Material Type SOUND RECORD.

Keyword search

  1. Keyword searches let you search and limit on the same screen.
  2. Specify distinctive words or phrases eg Sculthorpe "Small town"
  3. Limit search to Material Type SOUND RECORD


Author Search - Composer

  1. specify the author/composer/creator/ name eg Glanville-Hicks - complete this search first.
  2. then Limit Search to Material Type SOUND RECORD

Author Search - Performer

  1. specify the performer(s) name(s) eg Synergy - complete this search first.
  2. then Limit Search to Material Type SOUND RECORD

Limit search to a specific library

  • You can further limit this search to LOCATION e.g. Southbank Library or ERC

Keyword search for online recordings

  1. specify distinctive words or phrases eg Kats-Chernin
  2. Modify or Limit Search to ONLINE MUSIC AUDIO in Location

Sound recordings database

Can't find it on the Library Catalogue?

The Sound Recordings Database is an index to CDs and vinyl recordings held in the Louise Hanson-Dyer Music Collection.


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