Specific EBSCO databases should be chosen according to your area of specialisation. Databases typically included are:
- Academic Search Complete
- Art and Architecture Complete
- Education Research Complete
- Film and Television Literature Index
- Music Index
- Each database should ideally be searched individually. Searching multiple databases at once may result in getting no information on citations at all.
- Searches can either be conducted on article titles individually, or using the Cited References search function. The latter may be helpful if you're wanting to search for all articles by an author at once.
- Look for 'Times cited in this database' as opposed to 'cited references'. The latter is usually the references cited in the original article.
- Not all databases include cited references. It may be useful to look for an option for 'Cited References' in the top menu (included with New Search) or under 'More'.

Searching by individual article:
- Go to EBSCO.
- Choose your database from the list available.
- Enter your search terms. It may be useful to use quotation marks to search for the exact title, or you can search multiple alternate titles.
- If your article is found, look for Times Cited in this Database in the article information. Clicking on this link will take you to a list of the relevant citing articles.
NOTE: 'Cited References' indicates the reference list of the original article. It will not give you a list of other articles citing it.

Using Cited References search:
- Go to EBSCO.
- Select Cited References from the blue menu at the top of the screen.
- Enter the cited information you wish to search by. A list of articles with the relevant cited data will appear.
- Mark the checkboxes of the articles you would like to view the citations for and click Find Citing Articles.