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Research Impact for Fine Arts and Music

Manual counting

There are some metrics that you may need to collect and collate yourself. This can include:

  • YouTube and Vimeo watch or share data
  • iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify download or stream data
  • and ResearchGate view or download data
  • Online book reviews on Goodreads or Amazon
  • Inclusion on required or recommended reading lists or Best Seller lists
  • Awards or prizes

Google searching tips

Searching Google for evidence of impact can be a useful way to find references to your work, but can be difficult to do strategically or efficiently. Here are some quick tips for effective Googling:

  1. Set a limit and stick to it. It can be a time limit or a limit to the number of pages you'll check. For instance, you may only want to check the first five pages of results.
  2. Use basic and advanced search functions to optimise your searches. There are some great tips on our Comparing Search Pathways guide. 
  3. Choose whether you'll search for items indivdually by title or for your contributions as a whole. While it might be more time-consuming, searching for individual outputs may make it easier to identify mentions and keep your results clear.
  4. Record what you find, including the URL of the item or mention itself. Your results may not include links to substantial evidence of impact, but you won't want to have to repeat your searches if you do come across something useful.

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