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Which review is that? A guide to review types

A typology of literature reviews

Rapid Realist Synthesis - Rapid Realist Review


Rapid Realist Reviews employ a "realist approach to a knowledge synthesis process in order to produce a product that is useful to policy makers in responding to time-sensitive and/or emerging issues, while preserving the core elements of realist methodology" Saul et al, 2013).


Further Reading/Resources

Saul, J.E., Willis, C.D., Bitz, J. et al. A time-responsive tool for informing policy making: rapid realist review. Implementation Sci 8, 103 (2013) Retrieved from Full Text

Wong, G., Westhorp, G., Manzano, A., Greenhalgh, J., Jagosh, J., & Greenhalgh, T. (2016). RAMESES II reporting standards for realist evaluations BMC Medicine14(1).Retrieved from Link

Wong, G., MacPhee, M., Merrett, K., Miller, K., Taylor, S., & Pawliuk, C. (2020, March 10). The Realist Review Workshop Retrieved from Link



De Weger, E., Van Vooren, N., Luijkx, K. G., Baan, C. A., & Drewes, H. W. (2018). Achieving successful community engagement: a rapid realist review. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-18.


Saul, J.E., Willis, C.D., Bitz, J. et al. A time-responsive tool for informing policy making: rapid realist review. Implementation Sci 8, 103 (2013) Retrieved from Full Text

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