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Which review is that? A guide to review types

A typology of literature reviews

Prognostic Review


The intention of a prognostic review is to determine the overall prognosis for a condition, the link between specific prognostic factors and an outcome and/or prognostic/prediction models and prognostic tests (Munn et al, 2018).

Further Reading/Resources

Cochrane Prognosis Methods Group - Link

Hayden, J. A., van der Windt, D. A., Cartwright, J. L., Côté, P., & Bombardier, C. (2013). Assessing bias in studies of prognostic factors. Annals of internal medicine, 158(4), 280-286. Full Text

Moons, K. G., de Groot, J. A., Bouwmeester, W., Vergouwe, Y., Mallett, S., Altman, D. G., ... & Collins, G. S. (2014). Critical appraisal and data extraction for systematic reviews of prediction modelling studies: the CHARMS checklist. PLoS medicine, 11(10), e1001744
. Full Text

Munn, Z, Stern, C, Aromataris, E, Lockwood, C & Jordan, Z. (2018) What kind of systematic review should I conduct? A proposed typology and guidance for systematic reviewers in the medical and health sciences. BMC medical research methodology. 18(1). 1-9. Full Text


Rector, T. S., Taylor, B. C., & Wilt, T. J. (2012). Systematic review of prognostic tests. Journal of general internal medicine, 27(1), 94-101. Link


Munn, Z, Stern, C, Aromataris, E, Lockwood, C & Jordan, Z. (2018) What kind of systematic review should I conduct? A proposed typology and guidance for systematic reviewers in the medical and health sciences. BMC medical research methodology. 18(1). 1-9. Full Text

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