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Publications - Data source

Dimensions harvests publication metadata from:

  • CrossRef
  • PubMed Central
  • Open Citation Data,and content publisher sites.

Publications data is updated daily.

Dimensions publications

Publications in Dimensions includes preprints, journal articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings from across the globe.

To see a complete list of all source titles covered in Dimensions, open “Analytical views” while searching the publications data source, and then go to the “Source titles” tab. This will list all of the publishers and source titles within the results from your search. When this is done with no search in the search bar it will list all Source titles found in Dimensions in descending order by number of items from each source..

Publications can also be filtered by Open Access classes (Gold, Bronze, Green, Hybrid or All Open Access).

As of 2023 there are more than 134M publications in Dimensions. The size of the database grows continuously and enhanced PDFs are added where available.

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