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Data dashboard to support your research case

Patents in my field with publications

I'm not familiar with patent classifications but I'd like to find patents related to plants and salinity and view any resulting publications. I'm only interested in patents with Australian assignees.

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1. In Dimensions, click the 'Patents' heading

2. In the search field, type keywords related to your topic and search

3. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Location of Assignee' and browse or search for  'Australia'

4. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom

5. From the results, click a title of interest

Field of research for patent assignees

In 2018, how many patents have been granted with The University of Melbourne as the assignee?
What fields of research are these patents from?

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1. In Dimensions, click the 'Patents' heading

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Granted Year' and select 2018

3. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Assignee'

4. At the bottom of this list, click on 'More' and search for The University of Melbourne'

5. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom

6. Click on 'ANALYTICAL VIEWS' to expand the tools

7. Select 'Research Categories' from the left menu

Patents and industry collaboration

Since 2010, how many patents have been granted with The University of Melbourne as the assignee and show evidence of industry collaboration.

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1. In Dimensions, click the 'Patents' heading

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Granted Year' and select 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 etc to 2018.

3. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom

4. Click on 'ANALYTICAL VIEWS' to expand the tools

5. Select 'Assignees' from the left menu and scroll to identify industry collaborators

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