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Finding all my grants

I want to collate a list of all of the grants I have been awarded while at The University of Melbourne.

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1. In Dimensions, click the Grants heading

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Researcher' and find/select yourself, expand 'Research Organization' and find 'The University of Melbourne'

3. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom.

4. Grants are listed by Title, Funder and Researcher, including the amount funded and time period.

5. In the 'Analytical View' a more detailed brake down of the results is listed. For example,  the aggregated and average funding amount received.

Explore grants attached to a research funder.

I want to broadly see the funded research the Australian Research Council is supporting over the coming years within my field (e.g. Sociology) and which researchers are involved.

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1. In Dimensions, click the Grants heading

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Funder' and select 'Australia Research Council', expand 'Field of Research' and select 'Sociology'

3. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom.

4. Grants are listed by Title, Funder and Researcher, including the amount funded and time period.

5. In the ' Analytical View' a more detailed brake down of the results is listed. For example expand 'Researcher' to see academics and their affiliated institution associated with the Grant.

How do I find out what grants have already been awarded in my field (e.g. Environmental Science and Management) at The University of Melbourne? What publications have resulted from these?

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1. In Dimensions, click the Grants heading

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Research Organization' and find 'The University of Melbourne', expand 'Field of Research' and select 'Environmental Science and Management'

3. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom.

4. Grants are listed by Title, Funder and Researcher, including the amount funded and time period.

5. Click the Publication headings to see the publications linked to the Grant.

6. In the 'Analytical View' a more detailed brake down of the results is listed. For example expand 'Researcher' to which academics have been awarded grant funding.

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