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Research Impact for STEMM - a self-help guide

This guide will assist researchers in the STEMM disciplines to find bibliometrics to demonstrate the impact of their research outputs.

Field-Weighted Citation Impact - Author

Example Statement

For the years 2010 to 2017 my published outputs received a 30% higher rate of citations compared to the world average for my field.

Field-weighted citation impact is a metric unique to Scopus and SciVal and can apply to an individual article or an authors total output as indexed by Scopus.

Field-Weighted Citation Impact - Author Output - SciVal

1. Go to SciVal

2. Go to Compare and then All Metrics

3. From the left side panel select Researchers and Groups

4. Select your name from the list*

5. Select the following

Y-axis = Scholarly Output

X-axis = Cited > Field-Weighted Citation Impact

6. Select the required Date Range

To change the chart to a table, toggle the Table or Chart buttons


*If you have yet to Define a new researcher follow these steps

1. Go to  Explore

2. Select the Entity List Button

3. Select the Researchers and Groups option

4. From the bottom of this panel select +Create/Import

5. Select Define a new Researcher

6. Enter Last Name / First Name and then Search

7. From the results, select the required Researcher and then click Directly go to Save Researcher

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