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Research Impact for STEMM - a self-help guide

This guide will assist researchers in the STEMM disciplines to find bibliometrics to demonstrate the impact of their research outputs.

Journal Impact

The Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is a metric used by Clarivate Analytics to help rank journals within Subject categories, it is NOT recommended to use the metric as an indication of research performance. It would also be advisable NOT to use the Citescore as a stand alone metric for similar reasons.


NOTE: It is always important to read the requirements of the funding agency or other applications to determine if Journal Metrics will be applicable or allowed.

Please see:

CiteScore - Scopus

1. Go to Scopus

2. Click on the Authors tab

3. Search for your name

4. Select your author set (click on the name)

5. Scroll down to the authored documents list

6. Click on each hyperlinked journal name to view metrics including CiteScore

SJR or SNIP - Scopus

To view SJR and SNIP metrics, follow the instructions for CiteScore - Scopus (above)


Web of Science/JCR - Journal Impact Factor












1. Go to Web of Science

2. Search for an individual article or change the search type to Publication and search for the journal.

3. Click on the journal title in the result.  The impact factor and quartile information will appear.

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