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Research Impact for STEMM - a self-help guide

This guide will assist researchers in the STEMM disciplines to find bibliometrics to demonstrate the impact of their research outputs.

Author Metrics Profiles

Author Dashboards are available in a variety of tools and offer a quick view of metrics based on the data from each source.

These include:

Scopus Author ID, SciVal Explore, Web of Science and Google Scholar

Below are instructions to access these dashboards

Scopus AuthorID

1. Go to Scopus

2. Click the 'Authors' tab

3. Complete Author Last Name and Author First Name fields and then Search

4. From the resulting list, click on the correct author's name (hyperlink) to go to the profile

SciVal Overview Dashboard

1. Go to SciVal

1. Go to  Explore

2. Select the Entity List Button

3. Select the Researchers and Groups option

4. From the bottom of this panel select +Create/Import

5. Select Define a new Researcher

6. Enter Last Name / First Name and then Search

7. From the results, select the required Researcher and then click Directly go to Save Researcher


Web of Science


1. Go to Web of Science

2. From the top tab options, select 'Researchers'

3. Enter the author's last name, first name and middle initials and click 'Search'

4. From the results, click on the hyperlinked name of the researcher

5. The right side panel will provide some metrics. From the publication list, select the journal name to obtain journal metrics.

Google Scholar


1. Sign in to your Google account, or create one if you do not have one

2. Go to Google Scholar and click on the 'My Profile' link

3. Follow the prompts to set up your profile

  • Enter your unimelb email address in the Email for verification field

4. Add your publications.

5. Select the Article updates setting: Email me updates for review (otherwise Google Scholar may automatically add incorrect publications to your profile).

6. Review and complete your profile: for example, upload a photo and double check the list of articles.

7. Ensure you make your profile public if you want other people to be able to view it.

8. Visit your email inbox and click on the verification link.

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