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Research Impact for STEMM - a self-help guide

This guide will assist researchers in the STEMM disciplines to find bibliometrics to demonstrate the impact of their research outputs.

Journal Metrics

There are a wide range of Journal Metrics available and the examples we have provided are available via Web of Science and Scopus.

NOTE - It is important to read the requirements of the funding agency or other applications to determine if Journal Metrics will be applicable or allowed. Please see the 2018 GUIDE TO NHMRC PEER REVIEW Section 4.8


Journal Impact Factor (JIF)

Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is calculated by the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year.

Tools: Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Incites
Data Source: Web of Science


CiteScore calculates the average number of citations given in a previous year to the publications that appeared in a journal in the three preceding years. CiteScore includes all document types (articles, reviews, conference proceedings, editorials, letters, corrections etc.) in the calculation of the metric.

Tools: Scopus, SciVal
Data Source: Scopus

(SCImago Journal Rank)

SJR is calculated from both the number of citations received by a journal as well a measure of the importance or prestige of the journal.

Tools: Scopus, SciVal
Data Source: Scopus

(Source Normalized Impact per Paper)

A metric that measures the average citation impact of the publications in a journal but then normalised for the differences in scientific fields.

Tools: Scopus, SciVal
Data Source: Scopus

Top Journal Percentile

This metric is based only on citations received by a journal and is defined by SJR and SNIP in Scopus. The values at the top 1%, 5%, 10% and 25% are calculated.

Tools: SciVal
Data Source: Scopus

Example Statement

I have published regularly in top quality journals, with eight publications in Q1 journals and three in Q2 journals. for my total publications 65% are in Q1 journals.

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