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Keeping Up to Date in Law

Explore your options for setting up and managing alerts for case law, legislation, commentary and legal scholarship

New books on Trove

Trove is the Australian National Library's search engine, used to access the holdings of hundreds of Australian libraries, including university libraries. You can keep up to date with books newly added to Trove on your topic by conducting a search and setting up an RSS feed.

  1. Search Trove for books on your desired topic (for help with searching, see the Finding Things page)
  2. When you are happy with the search and results, scroll to the bottom of the search results screen until you see ‘Subscribe to this web feed’ and the RSS icon
  3. Click on ‘Subscribe to this web feed’
  4. Click ‘Subscribe to this feed’ in the box at the top of the screen

New books by publisher

Most publishers provide an email or RSS feed alert service to let you know when they have published new books on particular topics. Most of these alerts are based on broad disciplines, such as 'law', and cannot be narrowed further. Links to the alert services web pages of some academic law publishers are listed below.

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