New Cases from Particular Courts
Many courts publish judgments on their websites and often have an RSS feed option to allow you to stay up-to-date with new judgments. For example:
If the court you want to monitor judgments from does not offer an alerting service, try one of the web monitoring services described in the Introduction to this research guide.
The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BaiLII) is an organisation that makes the law freely available. To receive notifications of new judgments from individual courts in the UK, you can set up an RSS feed on this page
Please note that "recent additions" on BaiLII are items that have recently been added to the database, though they may be of some antiquity, whereas "recent decisions" are items that have recently been published.
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting (ICLR) is the authorised publisher of the official series: The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales. On their website they provide free email and RSS alerts for Latest Case Summaries and Latest Published Cases. RSS feeds are provided for the Latest Posts from the ICLR Blog.
The links in the email or feed will take you to the ICLR website, but you will be asked to pay to access the full text of the cases. So make sure you access ICLR via the University of Melbourne subscription and then find the case referred to in the alert.
On the BaiLII case search page, conduct your search for cases on a topic, based on keywords and limits such as dates and court. The search results page will allow you to create an RSS feed on this search so that you are notified of all new cases which meet your search criteria.
You can set up an RSS feed on BaiLII, so that every time a case cites your case, you will be notified. When you find your case in BaiLII, you'll see the RSS icon at the top of the results page - click on this icon and paste the feed URL into your feed reader.
WARNING: if you actually click on the link to the decision itself from the search results page, you will NOT see an RSS option - you have to set up the feed from the search results page, which means you have to find the exact case you're looking for and only have that one case on the search results page.