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Keeping Up to Date in Law

Explore your options for setting up and managing alerts for case law, legislation and other legal scholarship


Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)

Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) is available on HeinOnline (University staff & student access). CILP includes 650 (mostly US) journals which are available in full text on HeinOnline. It is updated weekly and has an archive going back to 1936. 

CILP is located under the Databases heading on the HeinOnline home page. From here you can navigate to the Archives or create a user profile in order to receive SmartCILP weekly email notifications. These alerts contain the contents of journals added in the last week. All CILP content has been categorised into 104 Subjects, and many of those subjects have been organised into 15 broad Topics that allow users to subscribe to multiple subjects and subject-specific journals at once. If you choose a Topic, you will be automatically subscribed to all the journal titles within that topic. Alternatively you can select a narrower Subject to subscribe to the journal titles within the subject. OR you can simply subscribe to one or more individual journal titles without selecting a subject or topic. See more on topics and subjects here. More information on setting up your SmartCILP profile.  

To receive and manage SmartCILP alerts, you must create a MyHein account - the link is in the top blue menu bar on every HEIN page. To register, click on MyHein in the blue menu bar in the top right of the HeinOnline homepage and select ‘create an account’. Sign up with your name, your unimelb email address and a password (these details are not the same as your university login details and cannot be used to log in to Hein directly - you must access HeinOnline via our University catalogue). 

When you receive your weekly alert, the link in each article title will take you straight to the full text article on HEIN.

To change your alert preferences, log in to your MyHein account and click the 'Manage SmartCILP Notifications' tab. More information on managing your SmartCILP profile.  

Information on how to unsubscribe from your SmartCILP alert. 

For further information and assistance, see HeinOnine's Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) LibGuide.

SSRN Legal Scholarship Network e-journal Alerts

The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a collaborative database of research papers set up to encourage the early distribution of research results. It has far more recent content than the big commercial law journal databases. SSRN's content is divided into Subject Area Networks. The Network for law is called the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN). Once you have registered you can sign up for alerts for papers in different subject areas - known as SSRN LSN e-journals. 

There are over 100 law e-journals on every conceivable legal topic. Note that you cannot create alerts for saved searches on SSRN, and the e-journals are on broad topics rather than your specific research query.  

Some e-journals are free, but many require an institutional subscription. So make sure you subscribe to the e-journals on SSRN via our University subscription rather than going directly to SSRN, so that SSRN recognises you as a University of Melbourne student with full access to the e-journals

For more information about LSN e-journals and how to subscribe to them, see the e-journal help page

You will receive your subscribed e-journals via email - the email will include citations and abstracts, with links to the full-text articles. You will receive your subscribed e-journals via email - the email will include citations and abstracts, with links to the full-text articles.

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