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Keeping Up to Date in Law

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New Zealand Legislation and Bills

The New Zealand Legislation website contains official versions of NZ Acts, Legislative Instruments and Bills. Alerts can be set up via RSS to be notified of legislative updates. This can be done in various ways:

1. Subscribing to 'ready-made feeds' eg: all recently published Acts or Bills.

2. Performing a search for legislation that meets your keywords. On the results page, look for the feed symbol and click on Create web feed. Name your feed and change the number of days if you wish (set a small number if you’ll check the feed frequently, otherwise a larger number). Click Subscribe, which takes you to your default feed reader (this depends on your own setup).

3. Document-based feeds (Specific Acts, Bills, or Legislative Instruments). Navigate to your first document, look for the feed symbol and click on Add to web feed. If you wish to generate a feed based on multiple documents, Close the dialogue and repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other documents. You can include up to 50 documents in the feed. If you wish to delete a document, click Remove. You can also Remove all. (These options are available at several different stages.) When your document list is complete, click Generate. Name your feed and change the number of days if you wish (set a small number if you’ll check the feed frequently, otherwise a larger number). Click Subscribe, which takes you to your default feed reader.

For details information and help on setting up particular types of feeds, including examples, see the 'About Web Feeds' page. 

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