The best way to be notified of new full-text content for an online journal is to search for the journal-title in the Library catalogue and link to the journal on the publisher's website, so that the alert is set up via the University's subscription, and you will be able to access the full text from the links in the alert. If you go directly to the journal's website, rather than via the University's subscription, you will get alerts but will not be able to access the full-text content, because you will not be recognised as a subscriber.
For example when you use the Cambridge option. If you choose eg: the Proquest or Ebsco link, you will not be alerted to the latest full-text content because there is a 12-month delay in the full-text content being available on these platforms/databases.
Most of the databases containing full-text journals have alert features. The example on the right is for Legal Theory on the Cambridge Journals platform. Alerts for this journal can be set up via RSS feeds or email.
Table of content alerts can be set up for most journals we subscribe to. Find the journal-title in the Catalogue and you will see an alert option.
Note: for those journals we subscribe to, table of content alerts are usually sent before we have access to the full-text content of the journal, so you may need to wait to access the full text of any articles in which you are interested.
JournalTOCs is a free journal alert service. It is a collection of table of contents alerts from around 25,000 academic journals, including over 1000 law journals (mostly from the UK). You can search by the title of the journal or browse through the list of law journals, and then "follow" the journals you wish to be alerted about. You will receive an RSS feed containing the table of contents as soon as a new journal issue is published online.
This service includes both free and subscription journals. It includes journals that the University does not subscribe to. For those subscription journals that we do subscribe to.
Note that the table of content alert does not link you directly to our subscription. So once you receive the alert, you will need to search for the journal in the catalogue. Also, for those journals we subscribe to, table of content alerts can be sent before we have access to the full-text content of the journal, so you may need to wait to access the full text of any articles in which you are interested.