Most blogs allow you to subscribe by email or RSS feed so you are notified each time there is a new blog post. This page contains some tools for finding good law blogs in your area.
A good way of finding relevant blogs is by checking the blogroll of blogs that you rate highly. A blogroll is a list of blogs that the blogger subscribers to him/herself and have chosen to list on his/her blog homepage. For example, if you think Opinio Juris is a blog worth subscribing to, look at the blogroll at the bottom right-hand side of the blog homepage. You can click through to view the blogs that are listed, and you might find some more to subscribe to. |
Opinions on High is the University of Melbourne Law School's blog on decisions from the High Court of Australia. This blog is no longer active but can still be accessed.
The court also releases a Bulletin available from the Court's website.
Anyone can sign up to the Court's Newsletter to receive updates and news about practice and procedures before the Court.
The Supreme Court of Victoria Virtual Info Hub is updated with court messages and includes links to the Court's podcast, Gertie's Law and case summaries.
Survive Law is edited by a team of law students and graduates exploring the world of law school and legal careers. The blog includes news on recent case law as well as tips to survive legal studies and the profession.
JATL is edited by a student society at the University of Queensland. The society and its blog promotes discussions about the intersection between the law and social justice.
Opinio Juris was the world’s first blog dedicated to the informed discussion of international law by and among academics, practitioners and legal experts. The blog is well indexed according to subject and jurisdiction, so worth exploring.
Legal Feeds - the blog of Canadian Lawyer and Law times
Justia's Blawgsearch indexes law blogs and lists the most popular. You can search for law blogs that mention your keywords. You can also browse the most popular blogs by subject:
Once you have selected a subject category from the list you can subscribe to all of the blogs by clicking on the RSS icon underneath the title of the subject, or you can subscribe to an individual blog by clicking on the RSS icon underneath that particular blog:
Feedspot brings user's RSS feeds and favourite websites into one place. Within Feedspot users can search for sites on specific subjects, eg Australia Law Blogs. Visit for a list of blogs that focus on different areas of law, eg. Competition law.
The Links page of the Opinions on high blog lists blogs published by courts, universities, media and organisations that focus on law.