Lawyers' professional responsibility by G E Dal PontLAWYERS' PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY, fifth edition has been updated throughout. It remains a detailed yet accessible treatment of lawyers' professional and ethical responsibilities suitable for students and practitioners alike. This edition includes commentary on the impending attempts to procure uniformity in statutory regulation of lawyers across Australia. Relevant provisions in the proposed Legal Profession National Law are cited, and the avenues whereby the national model is proposed to be achieved are identified and explained. This edition contains references to the most recent national model professional rules for barristers (which have already seen implementation in four jurisdictions) and to the Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules. Although the latter currently apply only in South Australia and Queensland, they are slated for introduction elsewhere in due course. Changes to professional rules in other jurisdictions are noted, including the new United Kingdom rules, for comparative purposes. As always, the book is comprehensive, with detailed footnoting of relevant provisions and rules in each Australian jurisdiction, and evincing a truly comparative perspective with other common law countries.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2021
Lawyers' professional responsibility by G E Dal PontLawyers’ Professional Responsibility, seventh edition is a detailed yet accessible treatment of lawyers’ legal and professional responsibilities, suitable for students and practitioners alike.
This comprehensive book contains detailed footnoting of relevant provisions and rules in each Australian jurisdiction. Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility’s content and commentary are not confined to developments across Australia, but where relevant includes comparative coverage from the main common law jurisdictions, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.
This edition includes content and commentary on the Legal Profession Uniform Law, to date as implemented in New South Wales and Victoria, together with the various uniform rules, for both solicitors and barristers.
Call Number: High Use KL 82 K1 DAL
Publication Date: 2021
Law of costs by G.E. Dal PontLaw of Costs, 4th Edition brings together in one place the legislation, court rules and case law pertaining to the practice of the law of costs in Australia in both the lawyer-client and the party-party context. Accessible and comprehensive, Law of Costs addresses all Australian jurisdictions (state and Federal) and makes reference to the corresponding laws in the UK, Canda and New Zealand.
Written by esteemed author Professor Gino Dal Pont, Law of Costs examines the law that has developed surrounding how a solicitor or barrister should quantify and handle their own costs. It is a fundamental reference text which includes coverage of appropriate client fees, security for costs, solicitors’ liens, litigation funders and cost agreements.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2021
Law of costs by G. E. Dal PontLaw of Costs 5th edition comprehensively addresses the legislation, court rules and case law pertaining to the law of costs in each Australian jurisdiction, as well as federally, in both the lawyer-client and party-party contexts. The authoritative nature of this work is evidenced by its previous editions being judicially cited on hundreds of occasions. It remains the only dedicated scholarly treatment of Australian costs law in book form.
Call Number: KN 397 K1 DAL
Publication Date: 2021
Lawyering and positive professional identities by Rachael Field, James Duffy & Anna HugginsLawyering and Positive Professional Identities is designed to help law students successfully navigate the demands of law studies and legal practice through the development of positive professional legal identities. It focuses on the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for law students to be motivated and engaged learners, and psychologically healthy individuals. Positive lawyering knowledge and practice are central themes, with a particular emphasis on lawyers' roles as upholders of the rule of law, as dispute resolvers and as ethical professionals. The diverse range of topics includes lawyering, dispute resolution, ethics, resilience and self-management, addressing the threshold learning outcomes for the Australian law curriculum. Throughout, the authors provide practical, experience-based advice on the development of core skills for legal education and practice. The second edition of this book has been fully revised and offers a refreshed take on the themes of the original edition, reflecting the dynamic and fluid nature of legal education and practice. This book is an essential companion for law students wishing to establish a strong foundation for a successful legal career in the contemporary legal profession.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2020
Lawyering and positive professional identities by Rachael Field, James Duffy & Anna HugginsLawyering and Positive Professional Identities is designed to help law students successfully navigate the demands of law studies and legal practice through the development of positive professional legal identities. It focuses on the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for law students to be motivated and engaged learners, and psychologically healthy individuals.
Positive lawyering knowledge and practice are central themes, with a particular emphasis on lawyers' roles as upholders of the rule of law, as dispute resolvers and as ethical professionals. The diverse range of topics includes lawyering, dispute resolution, ethics, resilience and self-management, addressing the threshold learning outcomes for the Australian law curriculum. Throughout, the authors provide practical, experience-based advice on the development of core skills for legal education and practice.
Call Number: KL 85 K1 FIEL
Publication Date: 2020
Ethics and legal professionalism in Australia by Paula Baron & Lillian CorbinEthics and Legal Professionalism in Australia is a contemporary approach to professional conduct and introduces students to the ethics and professional responsibilities that they will encounter in practice. The text outlines the concepts, rules and conflicts relating to legal ethics in addition to exploring the ambiguous ethical aspects associated with being a lawyer. It offers a thematic approach, with each chapter focusing on one theme and how it relates tolawyers' professional obligations.SummaryBL A contemporary approach to professional conductBL Ethics and Legal Professionalism in Australia introduces students to the ethics and professional responsibilities that they will encounter in practiceBL Outlines the concepts, rules and conflicts relating to legal ethics in addition to exploring the ambiguous ethical aspects associated with being a lawyerBL Offers a thematic approach, with each chapter focusing on one theme and how it relates to lawyers' professional obligationsComponentsBL TextbookBL Lecturer Support - Instructors Resource Manual with:BL Chapter SummariesBL Chapter objectivesBL Key termsBL Tutorial activitiesBL Short-answer questions and answersBL Sample essay and suggested list of criterionBL Test bank, with: Multiple choice questions with answers
Call Number: KL 82 K1 BARO
Publication Date: 2020
Good conduct guide : professional standards for Australian barristers by Róisín AnnesleyThe second edition of the Good Conduct Guide has been fully updated to incorporate the significant changes in the regulation of practice as a barrister following commencement of the Legal Profession Uniform Law which came into effect on 1 July 2015. The scope of the guide has also been expanded to cover material integral to the good practice of all Australian barristers.Authored by Ms Róisín Annesley QC, a practising member of the Victorian Bar, this is a guide for barristers by barristers. It is designed to supplement a barrister's working knowledge of the Barristers' Conduct Rules and the ethical principles of good practice so that any ethical issues that arise in the course of practice can be resolved swiftly.The comprehensive, illustrative and engaging content ensures that the rules of conduct and ethics are more easily understood. This is an essential tool for all Australian barristers who must uphold the high ethical and professional standards required by the courts and the clients they serve.
Call Number: KL 82 K1 ANNE
Publication Date: 2019
Lawyers in Australia by Ainslie Lamb, John Littrich & Karina MurrayLawyers in Australia is a wide-ranging and detailed examination of the legal profession and its ethical framework. It contextualises the role, responsibilities and ethics of lawyers in contemporary Australian society and discusses recent trends and issues. It has proved to be a popular text for the teaching of legal ethics courses since the first edition in 2007. This fourth edition incorporates the latest developments in both law and contextual issues. It provides detailed coverage of the Legal Profession Uniform Law and associated Rules as well as the legislative regimes of non-participating States and Territories that regulate entry to the profession and the conduct of those within it. This edition also updates statistical information relating to lawyers and the make-up of the legal profession in Australia, referencing recent studies and commentary in relation to lawyers and the legal profession. The book also looks at entry to the legal profession and brings the reader up-to-date with recent changes in the delivery and regulation of legal education in Australia. Revised discussion and research questions relating to each chapter continue to make it a useful teaching resource. Its detailed examination of the legal profession, its make-up and its ethical framework, access to justice and consideration of future issues confronting the legal profession, all make it of interest and relevance to academic, student and practitioner alike.