Below is a list of our recommended items from the catalogue.
Fleming's the law of torts by Carolyn Sappideen [et al] (eds)Fleming's The Law of Torts has been valued by generations of judges, lawyers and academics. The late Professor John Fleming's The Law of Torts was distinguished throughout the world of tort scholarship as a work of enormous significance. It returned under esteemed new authorship in 2011 to renew the work's place in the tort law discourse and, now, the 11th Edition offers a comprehensive update of this classic law book. The core strength of Fleming's The Law of Torts 11th Edition is its examination of legal principle. It distils the essence of tort legal principles and critically evaluates them. Professor Fleming had an unflinching belief that no legal system is superior to any other and he combed the corners of the common law and civil law world in the search for answers. The 11th Edition continues his breadth of vision. The authors both preserve Professor Fleming's scholarship while contributing their own highly-respected insights. The result is an outstanding, must-have resource for all practitioners and scholars of tort law within the common law jurisdictions.
Call Number: High Use KM 30 K1 FLEM
ISBN: 9780455502557
Publication Date: 2024
Torts by Martin Davies, Ian Malkin & Tania VoonThe tenth edition of Focus: Torts assists students to develop a better understanding of torts by identifying and explaining key areas of study. The authors use a straightforward, structured approach to help demystify even the most complex of legal concepts. Both common law principles and Australian statutory regimes are covered extensively, providing a detailed account of similarities and differences across all Australian jurisdictions. The text provides the reader with numerous opportunities to develop critical thinking skills by practising answers to hypothetical legal problems.
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 DAVI
Publication Date: 2024
Cases on torts by Barbara McDonald, David Rolph & Penelope CrossleyNow in its 7th edition, and edited by leading academic experts in tort law, Cases on Torts provides students of tort law with extracts from essential cases, both Australian and from other jurisdictions, illuminating the key principles of relevance or influence on modern Australian tort law.The editors aim to build students' essential legal skills in identifying, comprehending and evaluating the current law from primary sources of law. This also gives university lecturers flexibility in the design of individual torts courses around a core of significant cases. Each case is preceded by a short note and one or more questions to guide the student's reading of the case. The book is intended to be sufficiently compact to allow students to carry and refer to it in classes.Significant new case law includes cases dealing with fundamental common law principles, of importance in any common law jurisdiction, such as Minister for the Environment v Sharma [2022] FCAFC 35 on the duty of care in negligence or CFMEU v Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 1 on vicarious liability. Other new cases, such as Tapp v Australian Bushmen's Campdraft & Association Ltd [2022] HCA 11, deal with the interpretation of the civil liability legislation enacted in each State and Territory and by the Commonwealth Parliament in response to recommendations contained in the Final Report of the Review of the Law of Negligence in 2002.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2023
Cases on torts by Barbara McDonald, David Rolph & Penelope CrossleyNow in its 7th edition, and edited by leading academic experts in tort law, Cases on Torts provides students of tort law with extracts from essential cases, both Australian and from other jurisdictions, illuminating the key principles of relevance or influence on modern Australian tort law.The editors aim to build students' essential legal skills in identifying, comprehending and evaluating the current law from primary sources of law. This also gives university lecturers flexibility in the design of individual torts courses around a core of significant cases. Each case is preceded by a short note and one or more questions to guide the student's reading of the case. The book is intended to be sufficiently compact to allow students to carry and refer to it in classes.Significant new case law includes cases dealing with fundamental common law principles, of importance in any common law jurisdiction, such as Minister for the Environment v Sharma [2022] FCAFC 35 on the duty of care in negligence or CFMEU v Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 1 on vicarious liability. Other new cases, such as Tapp v Australian Bushmen's Campdraft & Association Ltd [2022] HCA 11, deal with the interpretation of the civil liability legislation enacted in each State and Territory and by the Commonwealth Parliament in response to recommendations contained in the Final Report of the Review of the Law of Negligence in 2002.
Call Number: KN 30 K1 MCDO
Publication Date: 2023
Australian principles of tort law by Pam Stewart & Anita StuhmckeThe fifth edition of Australian Principles of Tort Law provides currency, depth of analysis and clear explanation of this challenging area of law. It explains common law doctrine and the operation of civil liability legislation across Australian jurisdictions. There is extensive discussion and analysis of the latest resources with particular focus on the scope and content of the growing body of case law on interpretation and application of Australian civil liability legislation. Stewart and Stuhmcke succeed in clarifying a conceptually difficult area of law across all Australian jurisdictions. They discuss an excellent range of cases (geographical and hierarchical), explain the relevance and applicability of the civil liability legislation, and detail the impact and importance of the relationship between the legislation and the common law of tort.
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 STEW
Publication Date: 2022
Balkin & Davis law of torts by David Rolph, Jason N. E. Varuhas, Penelope Crossley, Michael Douglas.Law of Torts provides clear, comprehensive and authoritative discussion and critical analysis of common law and statutory torts across all Australian jurisdictions. The text covers the civil wrongs protecting intentional injury to person and property; the tort of negligence, with respect both to personal and property damage and for the recovery of purely economic loss; those torts, such as nuisance, in which neither intention nor negligence is necessarily relevant; defamation; and the economic torts which protect the intentional infringement of another’s trade or business.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2021
Balkin & Davis law of torts by David Rolph [et al]Law of Torts provides clear, comprehensive and authoritative discussion and critical analysis of common law and statutory torts across all Australian jurisdictions. The text covers the civil wrongs protecting intentional injury to person and property; the tort of negligence, with respect both to personal and property damage and for the recovery of purely economic loss; those torts, such as nuisance, in which neither intention nor negligence is necessarily relevant; defamation; and the economic torts which protect the intentional infringement of another’s trade or business.
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 ROLP
Publication Date: 2021
Torts by Sarah Withnall Howe & Greg WalshThe LexisNexis Study Guide series is designed to assist law students with the foundations for effective, systematic exam preparation and revision. Each chapter of LexisNexis Study Guide: Torts clearly identifies and explains the significant and often complex topics covered in Torts courses. Key cases are summarised to consolidate learning and provide a practical understanding of the theoretical concepts. Flow charts, bullet points and tables are included where relevant to enable students to navigate the broad range of information.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2021
Luntz and Hambly's torts : cases, legislation and commentary by Harold Luntz [et al]Luntz & Hambly's Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from cases, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes explain the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning.
Recent developments covered in this edition include discussion on: new legislation on the liability of organisations for child abuse; Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations on compensation for injuries in Aged Care; race and injury compensation; new NSW CTP scheme reforms; winding back of expansion of vicarious liability in the United Kingdom. The chapter structure has been adjusted for improved navigation.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2021
Luntz and Hambly's torts : cases, legislation and commentary by Harold Luntz [et al]Luntz & Hambly’s Torts: Cases, Legislation and Commentary delivers a critical and analytical approach to the law of torts presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from cases, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes explain the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning.
Recent developments covered in this edition include discussion on: new legislation on the liability of organisations for child abuse; Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations on compensation for injuries in Aged Care; race and injury compensation; new NSW CTP scheme reforms; winding back of expansion of vicarious liability in the United Kingdom. The chapter structure has been adjusted for improved navigation.
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 LUNT
Publication Date: 2021
Contemporary Australian tort law by Joanna Kyriakakis [et al]Contemporary Australian Tort Law is an engaging, accessible and student-friendly introduction to the law of torts in Australia. This unique text covers the foundational topics of tort law in a logical structure, covering duty of care, breaches, negligence, damages and defences, and also branching into higher-level topics such as defamation and offences in public office. Each chapter is supported by tools for self-assessment and self-reflection: review questions at the end of each subheading; case boxes that delve into important historical cases; multiple-choice questions and longer, narrative problems that challenge students to apply the principles they've learnt in the chapter to 'real world' scenarios. This print and eBook combination is an indispensable resource for law students taking their first course in tort law.
Call Number: eBook
Publication Date: 2020
Contemporary Australian tort law by Joanna Kyriakakis [et al]Contemporary Australian Tort Law is an engaging, accessible and student-friendly introduction to the law of torts in Australia. This unique text covers the foundational topics of tort law in a logical structure, covering duty of care, breaches, negligence, damages and defences, and also branching into higher-level topics such as defamation and offences in public office. Each chapter is supported by tools for self-assessment and self-reflection: review questions at the end of each subheading; case boxes that delve into important historical cases; multiple-choice questions and longer, narrative problems that challenge students to apply the principles they've learnt in the chapter to 'real world' scenarios. This print and eBook combination is an indispensable resource for law students taking their first course in tort law.
Call Number: KN 30 K1 CONT
Publication Date: 2020
Torts : principles, skills and application by Andrew Clarke [et al]Torts: Principles, Skills & Application introduces students to the legal concepts, key cases and contemporary issues surrounding the law of intentional and negligent torts and offers a practical guide to how tort principles are applied in legal practice. Discussion includes coverage of the statutory framework of the civil liability Acts and other relevant legislation in each Australian jurisdiction, reflecting the growing centrality of statute, and statutory interpretation, in the suite of legal skills relevant to law studies and legal practice. Student-friendly features such as accessibly-written explanations, clear learning objectives, the inclusion of tables and diagrams scaffolding information, case summaries, and example answers to legal problems support effective learning. Chapters on tort law in practice and class actions provide context to the understanding of tort law principles. A specific and focused chapter on torts research assists in the development of foundational skills. Features ¿ Real world, student-friendly discussion provides context for the study of tort law ¿ Relevant and current content aligns with current teaching in tort law ¿ Strong pedagogic structure supports learning ¿ Hands-on, practical approach underpins development of essential legal skills
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 CLAR
Publication Date: 2019
LexisNexis questions and answers: Torts by Tim PaineLexisNexis Questions and Answers: Torts provides valuable tools for torts study. Each chapter includes a summary of key principles, relevant cases and legislation necessary for effective revision. Where pertinent, alternative causes of action and their strengths and weaknesses are also noted. Tort law in many areas has been significantly impacted by statute, so comparative tables of the applicable provisions across Australia are provided for ease of reference. Points of statutory interpretation are noted throughout many of the summaries of key principles.
Call Number: High Use KN 30 K1 PAIN
Publication Date: 2019
Torts cases and commentary supplement : defamation and wrongful interference with goods by Neil FosterTorts Cases and Commentary Supplement: Defamation and Wrongful Interference with Goods covers the additional torts of defamation, trespass to goods, detinue and conversion. Each chapter follows the style of the principal text to deliver a critical and analytical approach to the law relating to these torts, presented through extensive commentary and selected materials from case decisions, legislation and academic writings. Detailed notes assist students and practitioners to understand the significance of the key cases while questions stimulate critical thinking and learning. Discussion of and excerpts from important cases and statutes are provided, while current and emerging issues in tort law reform are discussed. Many additional references to the academic literature are also supplied.