The Treaty Database on the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website is available in English. It includes over 2500 mostly bilateral and ASEAN treaties and other agreements. The full text of the treaties are available as PDFs. They are in Indonesian, English and the languages of the concluding parties to the agreement. The database has a good search engine and an interactive map. Treaties can be searched by country, subject, status, type and date.
For multilateral treaties, the best place to find these is the UN Treaty Series Online - this contains all treaties deposited with the United Nations. You can search for a treaty, or see all Indonesian treaties by selecting 'Participant' from the top menu, then selecting 'Indonesia' from the dropdown 'Filter' menu. Another participant can be added.
The treaties can be sorted by title, conclusion date, date of entry into force, and type (bilateral or multilateral).
Click on the 'See Details'; link of a treaty to see full treaty information, including the UNTS volume, if there is one.
On the details page, click the 'Text Document' or 'Volume in PDF' link to link to the full-text official treaty.
Of the nine major human rights conventions, Indonesia has ratified six: ICERD, ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW, CAT and CRC.
The Rule of Law in Armed Conflict (RULAC) Project website includes information on the international human rights and humanitarian treaties and regional treaties to which Indonesia is a party. This information includes relevant reservations, derogations and declarations. The website notes that 'Indonesia is party to the 1949 Geneva Conventions but not to any of the Optional Protocols. It has adhered to the major instruments of human rights law but not yet to their optional protocols or verification mechanisms. It has not adhered to the Genocide or Slavery Conventions or the Statute of the International Criminal Court. It has also not ratified the major instruments of international refugee law'.
Please note that this website, whilst very useful, is somewhat dated and no longer updated. To check the current status of all human rights and related treaties to which Indonesia is a party, use the official UN Treaties Series Online website.