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Southeast Asian Region Countries Law


The Bangsamoro, officially the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) is an autonomous region located in the southern Philippines. Replacing the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The BARMM consists of five predominantly Muslim provinces. It is the only region in the Philippines that has its own government.

BARMM has a Regional Governor, Executive departments, and its own unicameral legislature, the Regional Legislative Assembly. The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region has its own regional justice system which applies Shari'ah to its residents like its predecessor the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Unlike its predecessor though, the Bangsamoro Organic Law, which became effective as of 10 August 2018, has a provision for the creation of a Shari'ah High Court, which, if and when realised, would consist of five justices including a presiding justice and would oversee appellate courts, district courts and circuit courts. Non-Muslims could also volunteer to submit themselves under the jurisdiction of Shari'ah law. The Bangsamoro justice system also recognises traditional or tribal laws but these would only apply to disputes of indigenous peoples within the region. Philippines laws also apply to the region, as well as the BARMM's own laws.


BARMM legislation

All Muslim Mindanao Acts, from the First Assembly (1990–1993) to current, are available in English on the official BARMM website in the Issuances menu.

Up-to-date Executive, Administrative and Memorandum Orders are also available in English from the BARMM website in the Issuances menu.

The Constituent Act of the ARMM was the ARMM Organic Act (Republic Act No. 6734)

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